the Website of Timothy McCabe Follower of Christ; Student of Epistemology, Apologetics, and Theology
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Pantheism denotes any philosophy which claims that god and the universe are identical.

Keywords: Pantheism, Philosophies, Philosophy, Rational, Justification, Assumption, Presupposition, Contradiction, Reason, Universal Truth.


Pantheistic claims are false .


Humans assume the universal truth that all contradictions are false. Any worldview that does not allow for this assumption to be rationally justified is deductively false.

Premise 1: If absolute ultimacy is shared, then universal truth claims are believed without reason.

Premise 2: Under pantheism, absolute ultimacy is shared by the fundamental elements of the universe.

Conclusion: Therefore, under pantheism, universal truth claims are believed without reason.

If pantheistic claims are true, there is no reason to believe universal truth claims, including universal noncontradiction. There is then no reason to believe that contradictory claims are deductively false, thereby making pantheistic claims themselves deductively false.

This Argument from Reason demonstrates that pantheism is false.

Gilbert Guttlebocker, Defender of Dragons

Gilbert Guttlebocker, Defender of Dragons

Riveting, yet absurd; romantic, yet innocent; Gilbert Guttlebocker, Defender of Dragons is a little Roald Dahl, a little Harry Potter, and a little Chronicles of Narnia, all rolled into one. Timothy McCabe collaborates with the great Benedict Ballyhoot to bring you the novel of the century!


World Religions and Cults (volume 2)

In Printed Form

Along with numerous other authors including Don Landis, Bodie Hodge and Roger Patterson, Timothy McCabe contributes analyses of various world religions and cults in this volume from Master Books.

Other Writings

"What would you say to members of Islamic State and al-Qaeda?"

Repent. You owe your lives to your Creator, and each and every sin you have committed is a moment you have stolen from Him. You can never get those moments back, so you can never pay the debt you owe Him. As long as you continue to try to earn His favor, you are guaranteed to fail. But there is hope. God Himself has provided a solution -- a way you can actually be right with Him. And it appears to me that the Qur'an itself points the way.
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"If God is a mysterious unexplainable trinity, then why, when Jesus was posed the question which of the commandments are greatest, did he reply "Hear O Israel The Lord OUR God is ONE?" Note he's not preaching the trinity."

Indeed there are numerous portions of scripture that proudly proclaim that there is only one God. However, remember that this is not in conflict in any way, shape, or form with Trinitarian doctrine, which likewise demands that there is only one God. Trinitarians are monotheists. We believe that there is only one God. Let's go over the three planks of Trinitarianism: 1. There is only one God. 2. This one God is revealed in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 3.
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"Do we have free will? Please explain."

Free-will has been defined in several different ways. Some would say that free-will is "the ability to do what we want to do". Under this definition, it's clear that we do have free-will, as all of us (at least on occasion) do what we want. However, another definition of free-will is "the ability to choose, or to choose otherwise". Free-will by this definition has been the subject of debate for centuries. We should note that the issue is not "can we choose?
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