Empiricism describes any philosophy which claims that all knowledge originates in experience, denying the validity of both deductive reasoning and divine revelation.
Keywords: Empiricism, Philosophy, Knowledge, Experience, False, Contradictory.
Empiristic claims are false .
Any worldview that does not allow for its own foundation is deductively false.
Premise 1: Empricism is false if one must have prior knowledge to make sense of experiences.
Premise 2: One must have the prior knowledge of universal non-contradiction to make sense of experiences.
Conclusion: Therefore, empiricism is false.
Empiristic claims, when adhered to, deny the possibility of making sense of experiences, all the while claiming that making sense of experiences is the only way to know things. This contradictory denial of knowledge makes empiricism deductively false.
See also
Gilbert Guttlebocker, Defender of Dragons
Riveting, yet absurd; romantic, yet innocent; Gilbert Guttlebocker, Defender of Dragons is a little Roald Dahl, a little Harry Potter, and a little Chronicles of Narnia, all rolled into one. Timothy McCabe collaborates with the great Benedict Ballyhoot to bring you the novel of the century!
In Printed Form
Along with numerous other authors including Don Landis, Bodie Hodge and Roger Patterson, Timothy McCabe contributes analyses of various world religions and cults in this volume from Master Books.
Other Writings
"What's an easy way to show that Mormonism is false?"
An extraordinarily important, core aspect of the Mormon faith is the concept of "free agency." Jesus Christ exercised free agency, Satan exercised it, and we also exercise it. Their "free agency" seems to be identical to what others refer to as "libertarian free will." Unlike many other Christian groups, Mormons correctly realize that their concept of "free agency" cannot be correct if we, and everything around us, were actually entirely created by God.
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"What kind of god would give people cancer, aids, epilepsy, emphysema, diarrhea, or any of the other medical problems people get? Why worship a god that isn't good, even if he does exist?"
Interestingly enough, in presupposing that there is such a thing as "good", we must acknowledge that there is some kind of "rule of behavior" that transcends individual humans. However, if there is no good God, then such a transcendent rule of behavior cannot exist. In other words, the only reason we can identify things as being good is because there is a good God who is the very measure of goodness.
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"How do you explain your god's genocidal bloodlust in Deut 7 1-2?"
Deuteronomy 7:1-2 When the LORD your God brings you into the land where you are entering to possess it, and clears away many nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and stronger than you, and when the LORD your God delivers them before you and you defeat them, then you shall utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them and show no favor to them.
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